Joel had so much fun at the SURPRISE going-away party for Corey, Julie, & Madison Bohler. We will definitely miss them as they head to Colorado! Joel & Madison are such buds! Madison, as cute as ever, had lots of coy smiles for Joel. Joel & Alayna Baker jabbered away at each other - mostly while we were praying... Joel was also excited to meet Beth Ragain! Ashley Ragain took a good nap...when she woke up she did get in on the fun. She was quite ready to let Joel put his fingers in her mouth. This is Joel wanting Daddy to give him MORE BROCCOLI. On the move -- headed for the gym... And here is a rare picture of Joel with his tongue IN his mouth.
Joel likes to lift his arms up high & really slap them down when he crawls. I think he's just trying to make as much noise as possible when his hands meet the floor, but it's pretty cute. "Prancing" is a good way to describe it...
We found a hat for Joel that's similar to one of Kirk's. Now they are ready to go fishing together! Kirk went to throw a line in the water while Joel & I went for a walk. I think Joel wanted to go fishing too! The hat is super cute, especially because... hides a huge bruise! Now that Joel loves pulling himself up, "Danger" is his middle name...or perhaps it's "My Mother is Ridiculously Frantic and Needs to Stop Gasping." Ha ha. (I'm not exaggerating!)